Roses Without Thorns


I am a certified floral designer and a crafter since I was a little kid. Paper has been my favorite medium because of its versatility and practicality. Founded in 2014, Roses Without Thorns is my childhood dream came true: a small craft business that caters to everyone's everyday needs with my pop-up cards cut by laser and assembled by hand (and heart). Each intricate card is an unique work of art that is meant to be displayed. 

I believe that sending/receiving greeting cards is a beautiful gesture that should be carried on, thus I make these intricate cards that meant to be displayed as decor to enjoy for a long time. Pop-up cards are the perfect combination of ancient craftmanship and modern technology, using Japanese Kirigami (paper cutting art) techniques and modern technology (Laser cut, 3D graphic design program). My mission is to keep analog alive in the digital age.


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